Become a member.

Engage with a great cause.

By becoming a member of the Indiana Stonewall Democrats you are helping Democratic candidates who will help fight for equality. Members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies (those not a member of the community but whom support LGBTQ+ individuals) may join the Indiana Stonewall Democrats.

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  • Support Stonewall’s mission of providing events, recruiting candidates, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people

  • Influence the vision and mission of Stonewall

  • Get exclusive invites and discounts as an active member to events

  • Enjoy the fun all year long for only $25.

Check out our affiliates.

ISD continues to spread across the state with various ways to get involved. Consider joining the following local affiliates:

Stay in touch.

After becoming a member and paying your dues above, don’t forget to stay in touch by signing up for our newsletter and emails. This is how we’ll communicate with you throughout the year.

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© 2021 Indiana Stonewall Democrats